Friday, March 7, 2008

My Pictures

Hello again,

My pictures are up and running. You can access them using the link on the right. I'll explain a what the galleries are...

Lime Rock 07...

In July I went to Lime Rock CT. for the American LeMans race. My boss took the photos. Motorheads rejoice

Nightmare 2007....

The nightmare is held every year in August. It is a 177 mile bike ride around the entire perimeter of Lancaster County. Last year was my first year. I finished in just over 13 total hours (total ride time was 11 hours).

Porsche Musuem...

I wish I could take credit for these. My boss was on a business trip in a nearby town and stopped by.

NYC 1.13.08...

My trip up to NYC. The few random pics at the beginning are for a bike ride that I am planning on completing (more on that in a later post).

Blue Ridge 07...

Over Memorial day week me and my friend Jim Thome (the only other person crazy enough to ride with me) deceided to ride the Skyline Dr. and Blue Ridge Parkway (just about 575 miles) in 5 days. I had to bail with only 40 miles left because of horrendous knee pain. I wasn't going to take a chance messing my knee up, and hey, I made it 530 miles!

I am going back this year to finish the last 40 and try something even harder.


Exactly what it says it is. There are some random pics in there as well as those from the Richard Sachs/RGM Watches race team thrown in.


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About Me

My photo
I got my name from a friend while playing a video game a long time ago and it just stuck. As if you couldn't tell from the picture I am a huge cycling nut, always looking for something harder.